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You can help manatees right now in your home!

Helping the environment is one way to help every animal on the planet! Here are some easy ways you can help wildlife:


Recycling is one of the easiest ways to help the environment. Recycling paper, cans, bottles, cardboard, and other materials can really make a difference!


Walk or bike to places 

Instead of using a car, take a nice walk or bike ride to your destination! It is good for your health and the environment.


Carpool or take a bus

If you live in an area where you can not walk or take a bike, carpool or go on a bus is a great alternative. Less cars will be used, so less carbon dioxide and green house gases with go into the atmosphere. You will also get to talk with your friend! 


Shop online

Rather then going out to the store you can shop online. By doing this, you will spend less time driving and you will lower greenhouse gases.


Use reusable cups

Bring your own cup when going to Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts, so the disposable cups do not get put into a landfill. 


Bring Reusable bags

When you go shopping or go to the food store, bring your own bags to carry them in. This is so you do not use the plastic bags that the store gives you. If you use those plastic bags they would probably end up in the garbage. 



Reusing stuff is so simple and easy. All you have to do is use something again! Whether it is plastic bottles, plastic bags, cardboard, and more!


Make Something New (D.I.Y.)

 This is a form of reusing an item. For example, you can take any type of plastic bottles and turn it into a pen/pencil holder. You can turn a candy bag into a pencil case. If you want ideas, the internet is a great place to go to!


Get food from the locals

Instead of getting your vegetables from the food store, get them from a local farmer or grow them yourself. 


Get a plant

You do not have to grow a garden. Instead, you can just get some plants for decoration, or a couple for fun!


Get non-toxic cleaning products

This is good for the environment and for human health!


Use less energy

Get energy efficient appliances, or just get off your devices and go outside!


Stop the paper!

Instead of using paper, use a whiteboard, your phone, or a computer to write down the information.


Donate your clothes

This is so easy to do, and it is good for the environment and community. Instead of throwing your clothes out and putting it in a landfill, you are giving it to someone in need! 



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